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Questo archivio permette l'accesso agli articoli ed alle relazioni che sono rilevanti per il lavoro della Global Hunger Alliance. Le opinioni espresse negli articoli e nelle relazioni elencate o conservate su questa pagina sono quelle dei loro autori e non riflettono necessariamente le opinioni di tutti i partners della Global Hunger Alliance.

Relazioni di ricerca

Kindall and Pimentel
Constraints on the Expansion of the Global Food Supply

Goodland (*)
The Westernization of Diets (PDF)

Moncrief (*)
Rethinking Meat: Recentering World Paradigms (PDF)

O'Brien (*)
Factory Farming: The Global Threat (PDF)

D'Silva (*)
Factory Farming and the Developing World (PDF)

Stevenson (*)
The Myth of Cheap Food (PDF)

Turner (*)
Factory Farming and the Environment(PDF)

Union of Concerned Scientists
Report on the extent and impact of antibiotic use in factory farming

Preventive Medicine
Research findings on the medical costs attributable to meat consumption

Sierra Club
Report on industrial animal agriculture and water pollution

Pew Oceans Commission (*)
Latest report exposes the role of animal agriculture in ocean pollution(PDF)

Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Report on nutrient pollution associated with intensive poultry production

Institute of Ecology and Resource Management (*)
Report on battery cages in egg factories (PDF)

Report on the new "corporation-friendly" policies of the United Nations

Public Citizen
Report on impact of NAFTA on agriculture

(*)Le relazioni in formato PDF richiedono l'uso di Adobe Acrobat Reader. Per avere una copia gratuita di Acorbat Reader andate all'indirizzo:

Rapporti informativi

American Dietetic Association
ADA position paper on vegetarian diets

Farm Animal Reform Movement (*)
FARM position paper on plant-based solutions to hunger (PDF)


Food for the Future?
Overview of issues by Global Hunger Alliance Coordinator Pattrice Jones

Terrorism and Cannibalism
Vandana Shiva on the link between agricultural violence and violence among people

Poverty and Globalization
Another far-reaching essay by Vandana Shiva

Keeping the Other Half Hungry
Devinder Sharma on biotechnology and the failure of the first World Food Summit

White Poison
Writing in Colorlines Magazine, Shanti Rangwani exposes the racial politics of dairy promotion

Land Loss, Povery, and Hunger
Anuradha Mittal of Food First on the impact of trade globalization on agriculture

The Meat Mob
Everything the livestock industry doesn't want you to know about its operations and products

Selling Starvation
Corporate Watch magazine exposes role of agribusiness corporations in maintaining hunger

E Magazine
"So, you're an environmentalist... then why are you still eating meat?"

Red Meat and Health
Red meat offers no unique nutritional benefits and is linked with many diseases

What About Chicken?
Chicken meat kills 1,000 people and sickens between 6.5 and 8 million per year

Down on the Farm
Livestock corporations turn farmers into "modern day sharecroppers"

The Front Line
Washington Post series on hazards faced by meat industry workers

The Hunger for a Solution
Discussion of animal agriculture as a causal factor in world hunger

The Perfect Food for Cows
Overview, with links to research, of health hazards associated with milk

Polish Resistance
Article on Eastern European resistance to agricultural globalization

Hunger (*)
Chapter from Judaism and Global Survival by Richard Schwartz (PDF)

Afghanistan: An Epicentre of Social and Environmental Tragedies
By GHA organizer Marinella Correggia

(*) Le relazioni PDF richiedono l'uso di Adobe Acrobat Reader. Per avere una copia gratuita di Acrobat Reader vai all'indirizzo:

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